
What is a bunion?rsz_1bun3

For some people, a bunion is a bump on the inside of the foot, near the big toe joint. However, this “bump” is actually the result of a complex structural change in the foot. This can be demonstrated by its alternative name of “hallux abducto valgus.” A bunion is progressive condition that can cause arthritis, difficulty fitting into shoes and pain. Some people never have any symptoms, but those who do are advised to see a doctor.


Bunions have several different causes including inheritance of the deformity from parents, increased susceptibility based on foot type, structural changes to the foot over time, and trauma to the foot. Poor footgear can contribute to worsening of symptoms but are usually not a direct cause of bunions.



Bunions can be easily diagnosed, as they are visually apparent. Your foot doctor will thoroughly evaluate the condition by taking x-rays to assess the severity of the bunion and the quality of the associated joint. This evaluation combined with a detailed history will assist in developing an appropriate treatment plan.